The Inner Peace

Pooja Tuteja
3 min readJan 30, 2021


‘The life of inner peace being harmonious and without stress is the easiest type of existence’ — Norman Vincent Peale

The above quote is written by one of the most influential clergymen of his times and author of the famous book — ‘The Power of Positive Thinking’ and this quote makes me think how do we all relate to ourselves — Peaceful or Disturbed ??

Not sure if you have ever experienced two sides of your inner self, especially when this ‘disturbed self’ overpowers the ‘peaceful’ one and we start questioning ourselves.

We all work hard to be successful, earn money, have a settled life, thus keeping ourselves busy — never taking out time to pause and retrospect. We tend to keep rushing and get older with this busy routine that we forget to rescue our confusion and immersion in the common !

We keep making goals, collecting experiences, fulfilling our ambitions, hence a constant spree filling us with a sequence of varied emotions. This cauldron and shallowness of desires and emotions don’t let us discover our supreme power, which keeps lying suppressed under layers.

As socially conditioned, it makes sense for us to lead a good and accomplished life BUT a ‘Meaningful Life’. Examining our own mind and its dynamics enable us to grab the inner cause of problems that we encounter to explore what state of mind we should achieve for peace.

Being habituated of seeing the real with fixed perspectives, we create boundaries, excluding the peace within. To break this, we need to dis-identify ourselves from the conditioned mind through reflection. This is what is called as ‘Mindfulness’ by Buddha —the practice of monitoring our mind and controlling emotions. Practicing mindfulness helps us reach deeper to build our connections & discover ourselves, not blinded by frames of references.

Our daily life brings in thousands of struggles, giving rise to internal conflicts during our attempt to face them. Facing these struggles is not at all questionable but getting thrown off-balance by these impulses is what we don’t want to happen to us. The key is how easily we let go these thoughts, emotions and stress to regain peace inside ! It is rightly said that:

Be rational, not emotional

Be proactive , not reactive

Have direction not speed

A constant examination of various situations and how we react to them will eventually lead us to a state where we get a deeper understanding and a connection within. It is all about hanging onto our integrity no matter what is happening in our world.

Life is not about perfectionism but a journey of experiences and learnings. Keeping our thoughts/emotions centered while treading this journey sets up a stage for us to hit rock bottom peace within.

Ending my thought with a very good quote by Wayne W Dyer

“Peace is a retraining your mind to process life as it is, rather than as you think it should be “

I hope all of you get that inner peace and happiness !!



Pooja Tuteja

17 years into IT industry with varied experiences — Agile, Delivery, Product , Business