Making Decisions Right

Pooja Tuteja
4 min readFeb 23, 2021


One you make a decision , the universe conspires to make it happen

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Bubbled with roses or thrown with challenges, life is a bumpy ride, opening up new avenues and opportunities for us to grow. I am sure all of us sail in the same boat and are thrown with options at every step. It is all about choices and making decisions. Infact, deciding what not to do is as important as deciding what to do !

Both our personal and professional lives demand decisions to be made all day, everyday — What we do , Who we talk to, What we say & How we say it !

We all grow up taking small and big decisions, involving our role models, gurus or mentors and what we truly enjoy are the decisions which cause us to be strengthened, encouraged and equipped.

This year has been a period of radical uncertainty, volatility and risk — putting us in an extremely demanding and unique situation where decision making was very critical. Many people turned their life into a mess by getting knocked off by the situation and not able to take decisions. Much of life is what you decide, how you stick to your decisions & make the best out of it .

Getting overwhelmed and stressed by these choices is not the solution. Rather need to follow basic rules and keep moving. Life is a mixed bag of decisions and never at any point in life we feel that all decisions were right.

Everybody has got the potential of making their choices and taking their chances but the true spirit lies in being able to accept the consequences and replace bad decisions with good ones.

I haven’t been a champion of right decisions in my life but experiencing at this stage of life, I feel there are certain elements which hold true while you make your decisions :

  1. Decision to Reflect Hopes and Not Fears:

The famous quote from ‘The Secret’ -”Life is not happening to you but what you are creating” truly explains how the Universe manifests itself and follows the law of attraction. What we think and decide, it manifests into an experience. So take a decision and keep your hopes and spirits positive to turn it Right !

2. Experience and Explore

To make right choices if you feel the need to explore before you leap, then do so. Get deeper into your thinking, understanding and exploring. Engage and learn more about the situation before you start making your decision. Don’t give up with the fear of losing time or feeling the pressure from society. Carry that power to change the decision rather landing yourself into a ‘discontinuous next’.

3. Learn to Say NO

“When you say yes to others, make sure you are not saying no to yourself.” ~Paulo Coelho

Many times we succumb to fear of missing out or pleasing others and get caught ourselves in the wrong situation. We get ostracized & challenged for saying NO and forget that it’s about our own choices and decisions. So, while taking decisions go ahead and say no to requests that don’t work for you or meet your needs. It is very important to learn to say ‘NO’ so your ‘YES’ brings out the best .

4. Follow Your Gut

Always trust your instincts as they know what your head hasn’t figured out yet. Don’t try to calm those inner feelings and directions rather get guided by them. The more you trust your intuition, the more empowered you become. The true conviction and power to take decisions lies within.

5. Love Your Decisions

No decision is right or wrong. Universe has set no rules for defining them. It is we who have categorised and assigned values and consequences to them. True happiness comes by making the choices & then working towards making them right .

Once made, feel that peace and freedom in your soul. The potential to stick to it & live with it shows the real power and strength.You may not be able to control all the events that happen after your decision but staying committed and flexible is what helps.

I hope these 5 Rules help you take decision and give you power to follow your heart and stay committed to what you decide.

Looking forward to your views and feedback !



Pooja Tuteja

17 years into IT industry with varied experiences — Agile, Delivery, Product , Business